lördag 31 augusti 2019

Climate Change and The Emperor´s New Clothes

The emperor hires two weavers who claim that they can make the most beautiful clothes
Then the weavers are telling the emperor that they have made new clothes for him, but these clothes are very special because they are made from a material that is invisible to stupid people.
Actually they have not made any clothes - they are just pretending. So when the king walks on the street on a parade he has no clothes, only his white nightgown.
The people can see that the king is not dressed but nobody dares to say anything because they have heard that intelligent people can see those clothes but the stupid ones cannot. So they are lying because they do not want other people to think that they belong to the stupid ones, who cannot see the clothes. So all people pretend that they can see that the king has beautiful clothes.
Finally there is a child who loudly says that the emperor doesn´t have any clothes.

The Emperor's New Clothes is a short tale written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen,
This story is based on a similar story written by Juan Manuel, prince of Villena (1282 - 1348)
In this tale, a king is hoodwinked by weavers who claim to have made a suit of clothes, that are invisible to any man, who is not the son of his presumed father.

That story is based upon an Indian story which appears in the Līlāvatīsāra by Jinaratna (1283).
The dishonest merchant Dhana from Hastināpura swindles the King of Śrāvastī by offering to weave a supernatural garment that cannot be seen or touched by any person of illegitimate birth. When the king is supposedly wearing the garment, his whole court pretends to admire it.
The king is then paraded about his city to show off the garment; but when the common folk ask him if he has become a naked ascetic, he realizes the deception, but the swindler has already fled.

In the two earlier stories the people who were lying were the people at court and the people who could see the truth were the ordinary people at the street. H C Andersen changed "the people" to a child. He did that on the last day when the book was already at the printer.

The main thing to focus on in this story is the willingness of people to agree upon something that they cannot see (or something that they know nothing about). They pretend to see it (or understand it) because other people pretend to see it (and understand it) and all of them do it because they are afraid of being seen as stupid.
It is so common that we can say that it is a syndrome. 

The Syndrome of the Naked Emperor 
This syndrome would just mean that people easily agree on opinions that they get from the majority of people that they are associating with. Or that they agree on the statements that are being made on TV, because they know that these opinions will easily become the mainstream point of view.

In the tale about the emperor the reason behind the weavers lie was the money, that they had got for the new clothes that they had never made.
So these weavers can be a good symbol for all those people in power who are weaving nets of lies that they fool people with, using various PR tricks to influence the people, the consumers, the public, the voters.

Behaving in this way is typical for a religious sekt. 
Today the Syndrome of the Naked Emperor is shown in our new religion that is called Climate Change.
No ordinary people are capable of fully understanding how the climate works and this gives the weavers the opportunity to say what they want, because among ordinary people almost nobody is capable of checking if it is true or not. 

So everyone just follows and repeats the same sentences, claiming that it is true because "it is the opinion of 97% of the scientists", which might not at all be true. How would you know that?
As nobody can check such a statement it is like saying that something is true because "God has said so and it is in the Bible".  
There are so many similarities between the Christian Church and the Climate Change Religion (which could also be called the Climate Change Church as it is built up in such a controlled, dominant and hierarchical way.) One big thing is the presence of a Consensus, which is "a truth" that people are not allowed to discuss.
 Consensus Universalis Ecclesiae is a Latin expression that the church uses for such a truth that one is not allowed to discuss. Everyone just has to accept it as a truth.
This new church is using CO2 as the big enemy that has to be conquered, while the old church had the Devil. The one that does not believe in these statements is called a "Climate Denyer".
In Swedish Climate Denyer is Klimatförnekare and the Christian parallel is Gudsförnekare. 
Either you believe or you don´t. And if you don´t, you belong to the denyers, who are supposed to be the evil ones. According to the ones who suppose they are the good ones. As usual.
The Burning Gehenna has been substituted with a Burning Planet and the school teachers are delivering stories that make the children get into panic from fear of getting burned up in a near future. 
As the similarities are so many it is easy to believe that both these churches have been created by the same group of weavers. Who are they and what do they want?

Al Gore was the first big prophet, one of them who initiated this church. He wrote a book about Global Warming, as they called it at that time, and he wanted that his book should to be used in the schools.

The real thing behind this is also money, power and the control of people.
Now they can put new taxes on a lot of things and get money in that way. It is also a way of getting rid of the dominance of the Arab oil companies.
But behind the politicians there are also the bankers and the big, international industry. They are telling the politicians what to say and what to do. Here we have the big weavers.

It is also a green-washing of a lot of new technologies, that they can make money on. I can take only two examples and that is that they want all people to change to electric cars and if people should do that all over the world it is an enormously big industry.

The idea of "green energy" has now become a reason for big international companies to destroy big areas of the forest in various countries and one example is Norway. There is nothing green about this energy because such wind farms are destroying the nature and the wild-life. And you cannot save the planet by killing the nature.
But people in general do not loook closer at this - they just repeat what others have said and then it becomes a consensus that everyone believes in.
The little Greta is also just repeating what other people have told her.

Almost 200 years have pasted now 
since H C Andersen gave this tale to the people.
Since then most people have not learned anything from it.
But the weavers are the intelligent ones, they are the smart ones,
so they have learned the most essential thing from it.
They have learned that 
if you want to make people believe something,
then first you have to be sure 
that you have that little child on your side.

Kejsarens Nya Kläder i modern version.

So in the modern version of this tale there is no child on the street that is telling the truth about the naked emperor. On the contarary, there is a child on the street, but this child has learned to believe that the emperor has beautiful new clothes.
She believes so much in the weavers that she even believes that she can see the clothes.

The story that H C Andersen wrote has changed in the sense that it no longer fully reflects reality and as it has changed we can here find also a new syndrome. The child who is the servant of the weavers.
Maybe we can call it Greta´s Syndrome. 

When little Greta is talking we can hear that she is just repeating a series of quite simple statements that her school teachers have said. She has not even tried to figure out if this is true or not. She just blindly repeats what the teachers have said. And these teachers also just repeat what they have been told to teach. Of course this creates a consensus. 

What the children should learn at school is today decided by the weavers. Who are they? They were never seen on the street. They were always behind the scene.
In the tale´s first version the weaver was the dishonest merchant Dhana. I would say that the weavers today are still the dishonest merchants. But now they are the owner of multinational companies.
Read about greenwashing.  Läs om greenwashing.