söndag 16 december 2018

Little manipulated Greta in Sweden

The little girl Greta has become famous because of her protest against our "doing nothing against the climate" and her call for immediate action on climate change. (Whatever that would be?) But this is not just her own idea - she is part of a big propaganda machine for promoting a book that her mother has written. The journalist Andreas Henriksson has also discovered an apparent manipulation of a facebook account to create a picture of big support.
But that is "almost nothing" compared to the big interests that are behind this movement that was created a long time ago.

You can start here with a short, easy and clear mindmap of those events.
The film is in Swedish!

PR-maskinen bakom Greta

Articles in Swedish:
Greta Thunbergs rekordsnabba aktivistkarriär. 
The text is in Swedish, but there is a button for translating it into other languages and most of the links lead to articles written in English.
PR-spinnet bakom Greta Thunberg        
Dagens Nyheter 

This little girl (they say she´s 15 years old, but she looks like  only 10-11 years old) is just presenting some good sounding, popular words and the impression is that she is just being used by her parents and put forward by clever PR-tricks.

Possible that her concern about earth is a reaction from having been informed about climate change at school, but she is not and her teachers are not climate experts. They are just following the main stream agenda that has been set by the politicians (remember Al Gore.) They only repeat the most popular view that everyone is pumped up with. It is easy to hear on Greta that she is just a little sheep in the big flock.

Maybe they wanted to make a follow up of the emotionally so touching 12 year old Severn Cullis-Suzuki, The Girl Who Silenced the World for 5 Minutes.     More about her.

To understand how climate works is not easy, not even the scientists know all about it and humans can not do anything to change such big cycles. But politicians can always create and use a fear that they pump up people with. They need to have a big enemy as an excuse for a huge industry that is created to combat this enemy.

Around 1975 the fear of a new ice age was on the front pages. That was at least more logical as we know that it will come, sooner or later. An ice age is also more dangerous for us so there is a reason to be afraid.

That this PR behind Greta works well and gets response in media is not because it is aimed at the politicians as she claims. She wants "immediate action" and that is exactly what the politicians also want because they can use this concept for raising the gasoline prices and forcing all people to buy new electric cars. They can do anything and if they just call it "immediate action" and claim that "this is what the children of the world are calling for and it is our duty to...." then nobody dares to protest. "A call for immediate action" can also be used to force people to allow new, huge windmills everywhere, which is the start of a never-ending killing of the forests. Politicians call it "green energy" and people believe it.

Little Greta does not know that she indirectly is sponsoring another huge industry that is really killing the nature, animals, and insects. The windmills. Not to talk about the production of billions of new electric cars. All the big industries are far more dangerous than some warming. If the earth is dangerously sensitive to a warmer climate (which it has not been before) it is because we have destroyed almost all the forests on earth, so there is almost no nature left to absorb CO2. Huge industries are killing nature and animals in so many different ways. It is not because of the climate that all the insects are soon to be killed. The food producers all over the world are constantly spraying the fields with poison, with insecticides. And that is probably much more dangerous - to whole nature including humans.
A warmer climate is not dangerous to nature. It is not dangerous to people who live in the forests. It is only dangerous to those who live in the big cities, made by concrete and black asphalt, where the temperature can get very high also now on hot days. People in a huge city cannot stand more heat in summer. If we had been living a relatively natural life in natural forests, then we would not have had to get afraid of any global warming.
A warmer climate had only meant that we got more food. In a natural forestial landscape, there are creeks, lakes, and rivers. If we now are afraid this fear is an effect of the actions that we have made against the whole nature, which we have almost killed in all possible ways. 
It is not just about the climate. We are created to live in nature and not in big cities.

"Global Warming" is by many experts called a hoax. They say that the effect of CO2 is blown up too much by politicians to support their interests in power and money. They say that climate computer models do not match reality, because they are not programmed with the right information. "Global warming" got changed to "Climate Change" when it was not getting warmer and also because it is not possible to deny that our climate is changing (as it always is).

If you look at climate diagrams you can see that the rise and fall of the solar spots coincide with the rise and fall of temperature on earth. Many scientists (the older ones that are no longer afraid of losing the job) say that as we cannot foresee the sun activity we can also not know in advance how the global temperature will behave. The 11-year sunspot cycle is not the only cycle. There are bigger ones and we do not know exactly when the next ice age will come.

But something about it we can know from the Milankovitch Cycles. 
Earth is not always at the same distance from the sun.

Temperature is always going up and down
and it is not exceptionally warm now.
Look at the statistics that cover millions of years (at least look at thousands of years) and not just 200 years!
Around 1600 we hade the Little Ice Age and after that cold period, the temperature has been rising. Of course! The best would be to come back to the warm period of the early Middle Ages when we had a high culture with a thriving nature and lots of foods.

Climate Change after the last big ice age.

Imagine that you check the temperature every hour during the early morning.
Then you also get a curve that goes up every hour and if you don´t know that soon the cold night will also come.... if you don´t know that, there will be a reason for panic. 
Ups and downs in temperature during days and nights are as normal as ups and downs in temperature over centuries and thousands and millions of years. There is nothing that our politicians can do about these big swings.
The temperature was rising also before our industrial revolution. It has been rising many times in Earth´s history.

The real danger would be if climate headed towards a new cold period (an ice age) because if our northern countries got covered with ice we would not be able to be here. We would have to move to Africa. An ice age is something that happens every now and then and it will happen again. 

The killing of nature is, on the contrary, something that they would be able to do something about. If they wanted to. It would be better to stop the production of electric cars and instead of that concentrate on making "clean motors" with the capacity of a high reduction of the exhaust emissions. These cars could use algae as fuel, the greenest fuel that exists as the cultivation is a natural solar power.

Something is wrong, everyone seems to understand that, but to see what is really wrong is too difficult. This feeling creates fear and anger and the politicians (or the power behind the scene, the big bankers ) use this to manipulate people in desired directions, which is at present to create a worldwide use of electric cars and windmills. The mills destroy life in the countryside as people cannot live near them.

Do not believe the propaganda of the elite! 

The Elite that controls the money is the problem and they control our politicians and big information channels and also professors at high schools. Who they are and what they do is not printed in our newspapers or being reported in the TV-news. It is to be found on the internet, but there is so much info from all sides, both true and fake, so it is difficult to know what is what.

These powerful people (oligarchs) are quite intelligent and so far they have controlled mainstream opinion. But their propaganda block begins to crack down because of all the free channels that the Internet has provided us with.

An oligarch is a member of an oligarchy, a power structure where control resides in a small number of people.
Bilderberg Group  Secret meetings with politicians.

New World Order It is not surprising that NWO is seen as a conspiration.

Trilateral Commission The Trilateral Commission is a non-governmental, nonpartisan discussion group founded by David Rockefeller in July 1973 to foster closer cooperation among Japan, Western Europe, and North America.
Critics accuse the Commission of promoting a global consensus among the international ruling classes in order to manage international affairs in the interest of the financial and industrial elites under the Trilateral umbrella.
In his 1980 book With No Apologies, Republican Senator Barry Goldwater suggested the discussion group was "a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical... [in] the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved

Now they want to force people all over the world to junk the old cars and to replace them with electric cars. An enormously huge industrial complex (also producing big junkyards) that forces people to buy new things. Of course, that is good for the Western and American industries but it can hardly be "saving the planet". They call it "green" but it is probably just greenwashing.

They want to build windmills in nature, in the mountains, in the forests! The mills kill the big birds, They kill the bats (the variations in air-pressure make their lungs implode). The big wings spread bisphenol A with the wind and poison the ground and the waters. 

The only green thing would be to let nature live!

Stop taking down the forests for profit. Let the wild animals have their space! A living nature with all the animals, plants and microbes form the metabolism of the planet. This whole ecosystem is producing the oxygen that we need for living. Algae also consume CO2 (if that makes people happy.)

What we are doing to the metabolism of Earth is then also happening in our own metabolism and it creates cancer and auto-immune diseases, which we will not be able to handle when nature has died. Mono-cultures that are being genetically modified and sprayed with glyphosate will not solve the problem of all our diseases. It will just make the situation worse and the pharmaceutical industry richer. This business is also controlled by the ruling bankers.

The absolutely most green method to produce energy is to grow algae.

If anything is green the algae are! They can be cultivated everywhere, in big pools and in small pet bottles. These algae can be used for both food and car fuel. Such a culture consumes CO2, gives us oil for fuel, "gasoline" for the cars and also protein-rich food. This is a copy of nature´s own method of producing energy from the solar rays. It is green solar energy! Natures own solar cells.
The algae that are being sold as healthy food are called Spirulina.

Read more about Climate Change and the mainstream view.

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