tisdag 28 juli 2020

Folic acid or folate?

When I read about folic acid I notice that people are not usung the words in the same way. When it comes to the language it seems to be a big confusion, so one can not always know what a writer means.
So I wonder how it should be and when I search for it I find that the proper way of using the words is that all of these vitamin B9 can be called "folates". That is the plural collective word that includes all of them. 
But in singular we have this distinction: 

Folate is what we have in the green leaves. It is in natural unprocessed food.
Folic acid is a cheap, synthetic product, that the pharmaceutical  industry ads to our food.

To be converted Folic acid needs the enzyme DHFR in the liver, but this process does not work 100%, so unconverted folic acid remains in the blood, which is considered to be one cause of an increased risk of cancer. 

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