fredag 14 december 2018

Cancer, the gold mine of the pharmaceutical industry

When I was a kid not many people had cancer (maybe 5%), but today it is every third person (33%).  Why has it increased so much? Is it maybe because all our junk food, sugar, toxic chemicals, microwaves, gmo, stress, pollution and pesticides??? 

What the doctor does to it is surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.
This cancer industry is a huge international business that actively defends it´s position against any kind of natural treatment. Such treatments with diet and herbs have all been declared illegal, i.e. a doctor is not allowed to have a cancer clinic that uses natural methods.

The manager of a multi billion dollar industry has the obligation towards the shareholders to maximise the profit. So such a company is dependent on the sick patients, and this situation takes away any interest in really making sick people healthy again. So they have declared war against the helth practitioners who use natural methods which make people healthy.

That is the background for the book Dödliga mediciner och organiserad brottslighet  (Deadly medicines and organized crime) by professor Peter Gøtzsche,  who accuses the pharmaceutical industry of criminal methods to maximize their profit. He poses the question of how it can be possible that we allow them to lie so much and also to commit repeated crimes causing the death of people. Medical drugs is the third biggest cause of death among americans.

Over one million new cancer diagnoses are made every year in the US and every patient has to spend 50.000 USD on the treatment. But as they have not been treating the cause of the cancer it comes back and usually 2/3 of the treated patients die within five years.

It is a sad story that they also use this method for children, who are in the same time allowed to eat cancerogenic junk food (as these doctors know nothing about healthy food). The companies that "own" the medical schools are not interested in "healthy living"and "holistic methods" and other such annoying things that could eventually ruin their business.

Once upon a time the bankers took over the medical schools by funding them, which gave them the right to control them, and then other kinds of methods were made illegal. Medicine was now intended for business and not for helping people get healthy. "Alternative doctors" who were able to cure cancer had to go to jail for it. It became a crime to cure people with the wrong method.

There are scores of alternative cancer clinics all over the world claiming high success rate, yet most of these treatments have been banned in the US or been driven out of the country, without any investigation. I think it is the same in Sweden.

A famous example is Harry M. Hoxsey who expanded to 17 states by the mid 1950s, constantly battling organized medicine that labeled him a charlatan. He was successfully treating his cancer patients, but all his clinics were closed as they were declared illegal.
His treatment consists of a caustic herbal paste for external cancers or an herbal mixture for "internal" cancers, combined with laxatives, douches, vitamin supplements, and dietary changes.

Those who had the money also took over the propaganda machine, telling mainstream that herbal medicine is just a fake.
97% of the chemotherapy does not work. So why is it used? There is one reason only and that is money! If your doctor prescribes chemotherapy for you, he buys it from the pharmaceutical company and then he sells it to you for a much higher price, putting a lot of money in his own pocket. This is the only kind of prescription that he can make money from in this way.
Most people do not know that the pharmaceutical industry has this kind of control över us!

Chemotherapy and radiation help only 3% of the patients! It takes away the tumour, but the cancer stem cells, which are 1% of the tumour, they are not affected by this therapy. They remain and they just get more resistent and more agressive, so when they start growing again the mortality rate rises drastically.  From 1950 to 2005 the rate of death in cancer decreased with only 5 %, which shows that there is not much advancement in this area.

So... what to do?

And more?

And don´t hold the mobile phone close to the head! I have read somewhere that brain tumour among children has increased much after the introduction of mobile phones! Avoid using wireless equipment at home, especially if you have children, as it can cause other problems also.
Almost 11,000 people are diagnosed each year with a primary brain tumour, including 500 children and young people – that's 30 people every day. I would like to find the statistics för the last 50 years, but I can´t find it. 

And also....talking about´s not only cancer....don´t let the small girls hold a wireless tablet close to the body. According to Barrie Trower, a former microwave weapons expert, it can affect the eggs in the ovary and when so it can cause hereditary damage to the dna (the damage will be inherited in all coming generations).

Wifi, Microwaves and the Consequences to our Health

Try to avoid everything that contains toxic chemicals.

And watch this before giving money to cancer research.
Läkaren dr Véronique Desaulniers varnar för Rosa bandetkampanjen som syftar till att samla in pengar till cancerforskning. Hon menar att kampanjen inte har åstadkommit något vettigt för att minska cancerriskerna. Istället går endast pengarna till läkemedelsindustrin och till ännu mer riskabel kemoterapi.

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